Heritage. Soil. Signature.
1. Audiobook – The Crown by Joanne Harris
A king who inherits the crown from his father, beloved king respected by everyone. “What is respect?” he wonders, feeling inadequate. He will learn that the only way to understand its meaning is to seek it constantly.
Written by Joanne Harris
Voice by Tomas Arana
2. Giampiero Bertolini – Respecting history while telling the future
The style that has characterised Biondi-Santi’s wines since 1888 is unique. It allows no betrayal. It demands respect. Giampiero Bertolini testimonies how respect is an essential value in the company he directs.
Voice of Giampiero Bertolini
3. Federico Radi – The historical vineyards
Federico Radi loves illustrating the backstage of the wines he creates with his team. Every day he renews his respect towards what the Biondi Santi family created over a century ago, especially with reference to the practice of massal selection.
Voice of Federico Radi
4. Riserva di Montalcino 2010, Brunello di Montalcino 2018, Rosso di Montalcino 2021
Giampiero Bertolini and Federico Radi guide us in the discovery of the releases of 2024, explaining how the choice of not producing Riserva 2017 has led to presenting the exceptional Riserva 2010.
Voice of Giampiero Bertolini and Federico Radi
5. Giovanni Soldini – We cannot control Nature
The testimony of a kindred spirit that has a privileged relationship with time and nature: Giovanni Soldini. A record yachtsman and a transoceanic sailor, his dialogue with the oceans is deeply connected with respect for nature.
Voice of Giovanni Soldini
6. Joanne Harris – Respect is a mutual value
Joanne Harris visits “Il Greppo” for the first time and explains how this place is full of stories from which she can draw inspiration for her fiction. And of the wine that is born at Il Greppo she says: “I felt I could taste the heritage and all the stories behind what I was drinking”.
Voice of Joanne Harris